Animals are living things that move, eat, and make sounds. Learning animal words helps you talk about the world around you.
Farm Animals
Dog: A friendly animal that barks Example: “My dog sleeps in the house.”
Cat: A small animal with soft fur that says “meow” Example: “The cat is sleeping on the sofa.”
Horse: A big animal people can ride Example: “She rides her horse every weekend.”
Cow: A large farm animal that gives milk Example: “The cows eat grass in the field.”
Pig: A pink farm animal with a curly tail Example: “The pig lives in the mud.”
Chicken: A bird that lays eggs Example: “We get eggs from the chickens every morning.”
Sheep: A farm animal with wool Example: “The sheep give us wool for clothes.”
Goat: A farm animal with horns Example: “The goat eats everything!”
Wild Animals
Lion: A big wild cat that roars Example: “The lion is the king of the jungle.”
Tiger: A big wild cat with stripes Example: “Tigers have black and orange stripes.”
Elephant: A very large animal with a long nose (trunk) Example: “Elephants use their trunks to pick up food.”
Giraffe: An animal with a very long neck Example: “The giraffe eats leaves from tall trees.”
Monkey: An animal that climbs trees Example: “Monkeys like to eat bananas.”
Bear: A big animal with thick fur Example: “Bears sleep all winter.”
Wolf: A wild animal like a big dog Example: “Wolves live in groups called packs.”
Snake: A long animal with no legs Example: “Some snakes are dangerous.”
Birds and Insects
Bird: An animal with wings and feathers Example: “Birds build nests in trees.”
Duck: A bird that swims on water Example: “Ducks say ‘quack-quack’.”
Owl: A bird that flies at night Example: “The owl says ‘hoo-hoo’.”
Eagle: A large bird that flies high Example: “Eagles have very good eyes.”
Butterfly: A beautiful flying insect with colorful wings Example: “The butterfly sits on the flower.”
Bee: A small flying insect that makes honey Example: “Bees can sting you.”
Ant: A very small insect that lives in groups Example: “Ants carry food to their home.”
Spider: A small animal with eight legs Example: “The spider makes a web.”
Sea Animals
Fish: An animal that lives and swims in water Example: “Fish have scales and fins.”
Shark: A big fish with sharp teeth Example: “Sharks swim in the ocean.”
Whale: A very big sea animal Example: “Whales breathe air but live in the sea.”
Dolphin: A smart sea animal that jumps Example: “Dolphins are friendly animals.”
Octopus: A sea animal with eight arms Example: “The octopus can change colors.”
Turtle: A slow animal with a hard shell Example: “Some turtles live for 100 years.”
Hamster: A small furry animal kept as a pet Example: “My hamster lives in a cage in my room.”
Rabbit: A small animal with long ears Example: “Rabbits like to eat carrots.”
Goldfish: A small orange fish kept in a bowl or tank Example: “I feed my goldfish every morning.”
Parrot: A colorful bird that can copy words Example: “The parrot says ‘hello’.”
Animal Sounds and Actions
Bark: The sound a dog makes Example: “The dog barks when someone comes to the door.”
Meow: The sound a cat makes Example: “I hear the cat meow when it’s hungry.”
Roar: The sound a lion makes Example: “The lion roars loudly.”
Fly: To move through the air with wings Example: “Birds fly south in winter.”
Swim: To move through water Example: “Fish swim in the sea.”
Run: To move quickly using legs Example: “Horses run very fast.”
Climb: To go up something Example: “Monkeys climb trees.”
Remember that animals live in different places. Some live on farms, some in houses as pets, some in the wild, and some in the sea. Learning about animals helps us understand nature better!