When you meet people, you use greetings to start talking. You can say “Hello” or “Hi” at any time. In the morning, people say “Good morning.” In the afternoon, they say “Good afternoon,” and at night, they say “Good evening.” When you leave, you say “Goodbye” or “Bye.” If you will see the person again soon, you can say “See you later” or “See you tomorrow.” These greetings help make conversations friendly and polite.
(Basic greeting)
Example: “Hello, how are you?”
(Informal greeting)
Example: “Hi! Nice to meet you.”
Good morning
(Morning greeting, before 12 PM)
Example: “Good morning! Did you sleep well?”
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting, 12 PM – 6 PM)
Example: “Good afternoon, welcome to the store.”
Good evening
(Evening greeting, after 6 PM)
Example: “Good evening! The party starts now.”
(Basic farewell)
Example: “Goodbye, have a nice day!”
(Informal farewell)
Example: “Bye! Talk to you soon.”
See you later
(Casual farewell, expecting to meet again)
Example: “See you later at lunch!”
See you tomorrow
(Specific farewell, meeting next day)
Example: “See you tomorrow in class!”
Have a nice day
(Polite farewell wish)
Example: “Goodbye, have a nice day!”