
Jobs are the work that people do to earn money. Learning job words helps you talk about what you do and understand what others do.

Common Jobs

Teacher: A person who helps students learn Example: “My English teacher is very helpful.”

Doctor: A person who helps sick people get better Example: “I see my doctor when I am sick.”

Nurse: A person who takes care of sick people Example: “The nurse gave me medicine.”

Police Officer: A person who keeps people safe and follows the law Example: “The police officer helped the lost child.”

Firefighter: A person who puts out fires and helps in emergencies Example: “The firefighters saved people from the burning building.”

Chef/Cook: A person who prepares food Example: “The chef makes delicious food at the restaurant.”

Waiter/Waitress: A person who serves food at a restaurant Example: “The waitress brought our food to the table.”

Driver: A person who drives a vehicle as a job Example: “The bus driver takes us to school.”

Shop Assistant/Salesperson: A person who sells things in a shop Example: “The shop assistant helped me find a new shirt.”

Farmer: A person who grows food and raises animals Example: “The farmer grows vegetables and has cows.”

Office Jobs

Office Worker: A person who works in an office Example: “She is an office worker at a big company.”

Manager: A person who is in charge of other workers Example: “The manager tells the team what to do.”

Secretary: A person who helps with office work like answering phones Example: “The secretary makes appointments for the boss.”

Accountant: A person who works with money and numbers Example: “The accountant helps with taxes.”

Receptionist: A person who greets people at an office Example: “The receptionist answered the phone.”

Jobs in Services

Hairdresser/Barber: A person who cuts hair Example: “I go to the hairdresser to cut my hair.”

Cleaner: A person who cleans buildings Example: “The cleaner makes the office look nice.”

Mechanic: A person who fixes cars and machines Example: “The mechanic fixed my car.”

Electrician: A person who works with electricity and wires Example: “The electrician fixed the lights in our house.”

Plumber: A person who fixes water pipes Example: “We called a plumber when the sink was broken.”

Government and Legal Jobs

Lawyer: A person who helps with legal problems Example: “The lawyer helped us understand the contract.”

Judge: A person who makes decisions in court Example: “The judge listened to both sides of the story.”

Mayor: A person who leads a city Example: “The mayor wants to build a new park.”

Postal Worker: A person who delivers mail Example: “The postal worker brings letters to our house.”

Jobs in Entertainment

Actor/Actress: A person who plays roles in movies or theater Example: “My favorite actor is in a new movie.”

Musician: A person who plays music Example: “The musician played the guitar at the concert.”

Artist: A person who creates art Example: “The artist painted a beautiful picture.”

Writer: A person who writes books, articles, or stories Example: “The writer’s new book is very popular.”

Jobs in Transportation

Pilot: A person who flies airplanes Example: “The pilot flew us safely to London.”

Flight Attendant: A person who helps people on an airplane Example: “The flight attendant served drinks during the flight.”

Taxi Driver: A person who drives a taxi Example: “The taxi driver took us to the hotel.”

Talking About Jobs

To talk about jobs, you can say:

  • “What do you do?” (Asking about someone’s job)
  • “I am a…” (I am a teacher)
  • “I work as a…” (I work as a doctor)
  • “I work in…” (I work in a hospital)

To talk about where people work, you can say:

  • Teachers work in schools
  • Doctors and nurses work in hospitals
  • Chefs work in restaurants
  • Shop assistants work in shops
  • Office workers work in offices

Remember that people do many different jobs. Some jobs need special education or training. Learning job words helps you tell others about yourself and understand what people do!