Time & Date

Time and Date Vocabulary

Basic units of Time:

Hour (A unit of 60 minutes) Example: “One hour of reading”

Minute (A unit of 60 seconds) Example: “Wait five minutes”

Second (The smallest basic unit of time) Example: “The race took 30 seconds”

Clock Times:

O’clock (Exact hour) Example: “The shop opens at nine o’clock.”

Half past (30 minutes after the hour) Example: “The movie starts at half past seven.”

Quarter past (15 minutes after the hour) Example: “I wake up at quarter past six.”

Quarter to (15 minutes before the hour) Example: “The train leaves at quarter to eight.”

Time of Day Words:

: Morning (From sunrise until noon) Example: “I eat breakfast in the morning.”

Afternoon (From noon until evening) Example: “We have lunch in the afternoon.”

Evening (Before night) Example: “We eat dinner in the evening.”

Night (When it’s dark) Example: “I sleep at night.”

Time Expression Words

Late (After the expected time) Example: “Sorry, I am late”

On time (At the expected time) Example: “The bus is on time”

Now (At this moment) Example: “I am studying now”

Later (At a future time) Example: “I will call you later”

Soon (In a short time) Example: “The movie starts soon”

Parts of the Day:

Morning (From sunrise until noon) Example: “Good morning! Did you sleep well?”

Afternoon (From noon until evening) Example: “I have class in the afternoon”

Evening (Before night) Example: “We eat dinner in the evening”

Night (When it is dark) Example: “I sleep at night”

Noon (12:00 PM, middle of the day) Example: “Let’s meet at noon”

Midnight (12:00 AM, middle of the night) Example: “The party ended at midnight”

Time Questions:

What time is it? (Asking for the current time) Example: “What time is it?” “It’s 3:00”

When? (Asking about time) Example: “When do you wake up?”

How long? (Asking about duration) Example: “How long is the movie?”

Common Time Expressions:

Always (At all times) Example: “I always eat breakfast”

Never (At no time) Example: “I never drink coffee”

Sometimes (At some times) Example: “I sometimes watch TV”

Usually (Most of the time) Example: “I usually go to bed at 10:00”

Often (Many times) Example: “I often walk to school”

Today (This day) Example: “Today is Monday”

Tomorrow (The next day) Example: “I will see you tomorrow”

Yesterday (The day before) Example: “Yesterday was Sunday”

Date Vocabulary

Days of the Week:

Monday (First day of the week)

Example: “I go to school on Monday.”

Tuesday (Second day)

Example: “We have music class every Tuesday.”

Wednesday (Third Day)

Example: “On Wednesday, I play sports.”

Thursday (Fourth day)

Example: “Thursday is my favorite day.”

Friday (Fifth Day)

Example: “We watch movies on Friday night.”

Saturday (Sixth Day)

Example: “I rest at home on Saturday.”

Sunday (Seventh Day)

Example: “On Sunday, my family eats lunch together.”

Months of the Year:

January (First month, winter)

Example: “It snows in January.”

February (Second month, winter)

Example: “February is a short month.”

March (Third month, spring starts)

Example: “Flowers grow in March.”

April (Fourth month, spring)

Example: “It rains in April.”

May (Fifth month, spring)

Example: “The weather is nice in May.”

June (Sixth month, summer starts)

Example: “School ends in June.”

July (Seventh month, summer)

Example: “July is very hot.”

August (Eighth month, summer)

Example: “We go to the beach in August.”

September (Ninth month, fall starts)

Example: “School starts in September.”

October (Tenth month, fall)

Example: “Leaves change color in October.”

November (Eleventh month, fall)

Example: “November is getting cold.”

December (Last month, winter)

Example: “We celebrate Christmas in December.”


Spring (March, April, May) Example: “In spring, flowers bloom.”

Summer (June, July, August) Example: “Summer is hot and sunny.”

Fall/Autumn (September, October, November) Example: “Leaves fall in autumn.”

Winter (December, January, February) Example: “Winter is cold and snowy.”

Important Tips:

  1. Days and months always start with a capital letter
  2. We use “on” for days: “on Monday”
  3. We use “in” for months and seasons: “in January,” “in summer”
  4. We use “at” for clock times: “at 3:00”
  5. AM means morning time (midnight to noon)
  6. PM means afternoon and night time (noon to midnight)

Common Time Phrases:

  • All day (The whole day)
  • All night (The whole night)
  • All week (The whole week)
  • Every day (Each day)
  • Every week (Each week)
  • Every month (Each month)
  • Once a week (One time each week)
  • Twice a month (Two times each month)