Health and Healthcare:

Understanding health and healthcare vocabulary is essential for managing your wellbeing and navigating medical systems. This guide provides a comprehensive collection of health-related terms for intermediate English learners.

General Health Concepts

Health: The state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing Example: “Regular exercise contributes to overall good health.”

Wellbeing: A state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy Example: “Mental wellbeing is just as important as physical health.”

Illness: The condition of being unwell or sick Example: “She missed work due to a respiratory illness.”

Disease: A disorder of structure or function in the body Example: “Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.”

Chronic: Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring Example: “Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires lifelong management.”

Acute: Coming on sharply and often briefly Example: “He experienced acute pain in his lower back after lifting the heavy box.”

Symptoms: Physical or mental features indicating a condition Example: “Common symptoms of the flu include fever, cough, and body aches.”

Diagnosis: The identification of an illness or condition Example: “The doctor made a diagnosis after reviewing the test results.”

Prognosis: The likely course of a medical condition Example: “With early treatment, the prognosis for this type of cancer is generally good.”

Prevention: Actions taken to stop illness or injury before it occurs Example: “Vaccination is an important prevention strategy against infectious diseases.”

Body Systems and Functions

Immune System: The body’s defense against infections and diseases Example: “A strong immune system helps fight off viruses more effectively.”

Cardiovascular System: The heart and blood vessels Example: “Regular exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system.”

Respiratory System: The organs involved in breathing Example: “Smoking damages the respiratory system, making it harder to breathe.”

Digestive System: The organs that break down food Example: “Fiber is important for a healthy digestive system.”

Nervous System: The brain, spinal cord, and nerves Example: “The nervous system sends signals throughout your body.”

Metabolism: The chemical processes that occur within the body to maintain life Example: “Some people have a faster metabolism than others.”

Circulation: The movement of blood through the body Example: “Poor circulation can cause numbness in your extremities.”

Medical Professionals

General Practitioner (GP)/Family Doctor: A doctor who treats a wide range of medical problems Example: “I visit my GP for regular check-ups and minor health issues.”

Specialist: A doctor who focuses on a particular area of medicine Example: “The GP referred me to a cardiologist, a heart specialist.”

Surgeon: A doctor who performs operations Example: “The surgeon explained the procedure before the operation.”

Nurse: A healthcare professional who cares for patients Example: “The nurse checked my blood pressure and administered my medication.”

Pharmacist: A professional who dispenses medication Example: “The pharmacist advised me on how to take my prescription properly.”

Physiotherapist/Physical Therapist: A professional who helps patients recover physical abilities Example: “After my knee surgery, a physiotherapist taught me exercises to regain strength.”

Psychologist: A professional who deals with mental health Example: “I speak with a psychologist to help manage my anxiety.”

Dentist: A doctor who treats teeth and oral health Example: “I visit the dentist twice a year for check-ups.”

Optometrist/Ophthalmologist: Professionals who deal with eye health Example: “The optometrist prescribed new glasses for my worsening eyesight.”

Medical Facilities and Services

Hospital: A institution providing medical treatment and care Example: “She was admitted to the hospital after her accident.”

Clinic: A facility for outpatient care Example: “I go to the local clinic for my vaccinations.”

Emergency Room (ER)/Accident & Emergency (A&E): The hospital department for urgent cases Example: “After cutting his hand badly, he went straight to the emergency room.”

Intensive Care Unit (ICU): A specialized hospital department for critically ill patients Example: “Following his heart attack, he spent three days in the ICU.”

Outpatient Department: Where patients receive treatment without staying overnight Example: “Most minor surgeries are performed in the outpatient department.”

Ward: A section of a hospital for patients needing similar care Example: “My grandmother is in the geriatric ward on the third floor.”

Pharmacy/Chemist: A place where medicines are prepared and dispensed Example: “After getting my prescription, I went to the pharmacy to collect my medication.”

Ambulance: A vehicle equipped for emergency medical transport Example: “When he collapsed, someone called an ambulance immediately.”

Health Insurance: Coverage that pays for medical expenses Example: “My health insurance covers most of my doctor’s visits and prescriptions.”

Common Health Problems

Infection: The invasion of body tissue by pathogenic microorganisms Example: “The cut on his foot developed an infection and needed antibiotics.”

Inflammation: The body’s response to injury or infection Example: “The redness and swelling are signs of inflammation.”

Fever: Abnormally high body temperature Example: “The child had a fever of 39°C and was feeling very unwell.”

Pain: Physical suffering or discomfort Example: “She felt severe pain in her lower abdomen.”

Allergy: An abnormal immune response to a substance Example: “His peanut allergy can cause a life-threatening reaction.”

High Blood Pressure/Hypertension: Abnormally high pressure of blood against artery walls Example: “Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to heart disease.”

Diabetes: A condition causing high blood sugar levels Example: “People with diabetes need to monitor their blood sugar regularly.”

Depression: A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood Example: “Depression can affect your ability to work and maintain relationships.”

Anxiety: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease Example: “She experiences anxiety before important meetings.”

Obesity: The condition of being severely overweight Example: “Obesity increases the risk of many health problems, including diabetes.”

Treatments and Procedures

Medication/Medicine/Drug: A substance used to treat or prevent disease Example: “The doctor prescribed medication for my high blood pressure.”

Prescription: A written instruction for dispensing medication Example: “You need a prescription to get certain medications from the pharmacy.”

Over-the-Counter (OTC): Medicines available without a prescription Example: “For mild pain, you can use over-the-counter painkillers like paracetamol.”

Vaccine/Immunization: A substance that provides immunity against disease Example: “Children receive several vaccines as part of their routine immunizations.”

Surgery/Operation: A medical procedure involving an incision Example: “He needed surgery to remove his appendix.”

Therapy: Treatment intended to relieve or heal Example: “She attends physical therapy twice a week for her back pain.”

Scan: An image of the inside of the body Example: “The CT scan showed a small fracture in her wrist.”

X-ray: A type of radiation used to see inside the body Example: “The doctor ordered chest X-rays to check for pneumonia.”

Blood Test: Analysis of a blood sample Example: “The blood test will check your cholesterol levels.”

Screening: Testing to detect potential health disorders Example: “Regular cancer screening can lead to early detection and better outcomes.”

Healthy Lifestyle

Nutrition: The process of providing or obtaining food necessary for health and growth Example: “Good nutrition is essential for maintaining health.”

Diet: The kinds of food that a person habitually eats Example: “A balanced diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.”

Exercise: Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain health Example: “Regular exercise reduces the risk of many diseases.”

Physical Activity: Any movement that requires energy expenditure Example: “Even light physical activity like walking has health benefits.”

Mental Health: A person’s condition with regard to their psychological wellbeing Example: “Stress management is important for good mental health.”

Stress: A state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse circumstances Example: “Chronic stress can have negative effects on both mental and physical health.”

Sleep Hygiene: Habits and practices conducive to sleeping well Example: “Good sleep hygiene includes going to bed at the same time each night.”

Mindfulness: The practice of being aware of the present moment Example: “Mindfulness meditation can help reduce anxiety and improve focus.”

Medical Emergencies

First Aid: Emergency care given before regular medical aid can be obtained Example: “Knowing basic first aid could help save someone’s life.”

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation): An emergency procedure consisting of chest compressions and artificial ventilation Example: “He performed CPR until the ambulance arrived.”

Heart Attack: Sudden blockage of blood flow to the heart Example: “Common symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain and shortness of breath.”

Stroke: A sudden interruption in the blood supply to the brain Example: “Quick treatment after a stroke can minimize long-term effects.”

Choking: Difficulty breathing because of obstruction in the throat Example: “If someone is choking, you should perform the Heimlich maneuver.”

Allergic Reaction: A harmful immune response Example: “Severe allergic reactions may require an injection of epinephrine.”

Healthcare Communication

Appointment: An arrangement to meet a medical professional Example: “I made an appointment with my doctor for next Tuesday at 10 AM.”

Referral: The act of directing someone to a specialist Example: “My doctor gave me a referral to see a dermatologist about my skin condition.”

Medical History: A record of a patient’s health information Example: “The doctor reviewed my medical history before suggesting treatment options.”

Consent: Permission for something to happen, especially medical treatment Example: “You must give informed consent before undergoing surgery.”

Patient Confidentiality: The principle that information shared with medical professionals is private Example: “Patient confidentiality ensures your medical information remains private.”

Second Opinion: Advice from a second doctor about your condition Example: “Before deciding on surgery, I wanted to get a second opinion.”

Health Records and Information

Medical Record: Documentation of a patient’s medical history and care Example: “Your medical record contains information about past illnesses and treatments.”

Chart: A record of a patient’s medical information Example: “The nurse updated the patient’s chart with the latest test results.”

Vital Signs: Measurements of the body’s most basic functions Example: “The nurse checked my vital signs: temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration rate.”

Lab Results: Findings from laboratory tests Example: “The doctor will call you when your lab results are ready.”

Electronic Health Record (EHR): A digital version of a patient’s medical history Example: “Electronic health records make it easier for different healthcare providers to access your information.”

Understanding this vocabulary will help you communicate more effectively about health issues, whether you’re discussing your own health with medical professionals or simply reading health-related information in English. Remember that healthcare systems and terminology can vary between countries, but these terms provide a solid foundation for most situations.